January 2002

Happy New Year to all…

The kids had an outstanding Christmas and Holiday Season!

Kary is looking and feeling great. However, his cancer has again spread through his chemo treatments.

He started an intrathecal chemo treatment going directly into his brain through a reservoir under his scalp that feeds into one of his ventricles in his brain.

Lisa also found a local Dr in Northern Indiana for alternative treatments through IV’s to boost Kary’s immune system and a clinic in Ohio that seemed to be pretty professional.

Please pray for Kary’s total healing and that he withstands these new treatments as well as he has his first 3 different chemo protocols.

I am going to be sending a brief MPEG clip of Kary and the boys soon. This picture was taken just a few days ago…

Kary’s spirit is amazing!

Thanks to you all for your Love and Support

In Christ’s Love,
The Young’s — Mike, Lisa, Kary, Kaelin and Kade

March 2002

Kary and his brothers and Mom and Dad just came back from San Diego / TJ, Mexico and Burzinski’s clinic and MD Anderson in Houston, TX.

We ended up renting an RV and driving the entire trip…5,500 miles in 11 days! What an adventure. Kary and his brothers had fun, though and Kary was able to obtain some alternative treatments during the trip.  We also took a plane ride over the Grand Canyon…which was amazing!  And kinda scary at the same timeā€¦

The purpose of the trip was to explore other options than what we are currently doing in conventional and alternative medicine.

We received some very upsetting news from the MRI that Kary had on Tuesday. His primary tumor and 2 others very near his primary tumor have grown considerably and the spreading has increased throughout his brain and spine.

We ask that for your prayers stronger than ever!

We are going to be attending Burzinski’s clinic next week and hopefully start the end of next week on Antineoplastins — a natural treatment for containing cancer from further spread.

Thanks to all of you for your support!

In Christ’s Love,
The Young’s — Mike, Lisa, Kary, Kaelin and Kade

May 2002

We had been led to receive treatment at Bruzynski’s clinic in Houston, TX since Kary’s March MRI showed significant increase in tumor growth. Conventional medicine offered no other feasible options.

Kary has not taken well to his alternative medication from Bruzynski. It has caused him to have very high pressure in his brain that has significant side effects. Kary and Lisa have been home for about 3 weeks giving Kary the medication at home.

We had an MRI done on Thursday that showed even more cancer spread and increased tumor sizes by up to 100%. The doctors in Chicago gave Kary 2 weeks to live. We know that God still is in the miracle business and that it is God’s plan for Kary to be healed. We are asking for more prayer than ever for total healing of Kary from this cancer, so that Kary will live on this Earth to be 80 years old.

Thanks to all of you for your support!In Christ’s Love,
The Young’s — Mike, Lisa, Kary, Kaelin and Kade

July 2002

To all of Kary’s prayer warriors. We thank you for your prayers and keep up the fight.

Kary is still not on any medication of any kind, he is at home but has been only been able to keep down some fluids. He is very weak but hanging in there as tough as can be.

He is such a trooper and the spirit of Christ still shows through in him every day.

We had a great 4th of July weekend in NW Michigan and spent a few days at a place called the Double JJ Ranch North of Muskegon, which was great family time, just the five of us.

He had to go to the hospital on July 16 due to breathing difficulties, but we were able to come home after only two days. The doctors did not think Kary was going to make it out of the hospital, but he amazed them once again.

He is now on home healthcare and receiving IV treatments with vitamins.

Pray for Kary’s total healing and recovery stronger than ever.


Thanks to all of you for your support!In Christ’s Love,
The Young’s — Mike, Lisa, Kary, Kaelin and Kade