Mom’s Letter to Kary

To my Kary “Yaccabucci” (nickname)

Baby Doll I love you so much! I miss you so much!!! I can’t imagine my world without you by my side. Since you came in my life, there have been so many times that it has been just you and me kid! We are a team. We’ve been through it all together. You were there with me before I knew Jesus. We found Jesus together. And, boy oh boy did we become “Jesus Freaks” together!! Speaking of that song, I loved to watch you sing and dance to that song! You are so funny and so cute! You will never know what it is like to be a Mommy, but baby, when you came into my life, you rocked my world!!!!! While you were still in my belly, I spent hours and hours, shopping for you, decorating your room, loving you, talking to you and singing to you. You always tell me what a pretty voice I have. Everyone else knows my singing is terrible! But not you baby! You can make me feel like I could sing like Michelle Bythrow! Thank you cutie. When you were first born, I took rolls of pictures every single day. We lived next to Meijer at the time and I’d make Daddy go every night and get the pictures developed. It wasn’t enough to stare at you in person all day, I needed to recapture every moment so that I could reflect on it at night. You were the best dressed little boy from day one! You always had on matching belts, shoes, coats, etc! No wonder you love clothes so much. I can’t believe that at six you were already outgrowing Mom’s choice of clothes. Even the last couple months here on earth, when you were not walking, and, you were in bed most of the time and you still wanted to look cool. You wanted to have “skate-board”, “teenager” clothes on!! Baby, you lost two teeth the week before you went to heaven. You wanted to loose your teeth so bad! You think missing teeth are “cool.” Your so cool buddy!! You find the best in everything. You want the best in everything. And, you keep pushing until you get it. You must of gotten tired sweetie. We knew together that you were going to be healed here on earth. We didn’t just believe, we knew!!! Remember when we stood up in the big window ceil at the hotel in Chicago, shouting at the top of our lungs, “I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord!” Boy did we know! I still am trusting Jesus baby. I will still have the faith and “hope to Kary on”, but baby it hurts! Please ask God to explain to me someday why… Because baby you and I knew that we were going to travel the world telling them that Jesus healed you and leading them to Him. I know your life in heaven is perfect now! You’re running, dancing, singing and telling jokes. You are hugging Jesus! You are swimming, riding your bike, playing with your hair, playing with all your stuffed dogs! You no longer have a shunt or a central line! Play baby, play! Sing baby sing! Dance baby dance! Brothers miss you so much baby! Kal wants to wrap you up and bring you home. Whatever we do from this point on, it will still be with you! We will play with you in our hearts! We will sing with you in our hearts! We will dance with you in our hearts! Kadey can’t figure it out. He’s happy you get to see Jesus but can’t understand it all! He said that when he really gets to missing you, he is going to put on his superhero wings and fly up to heaven to see you! That’s our Kade. You always tease about how silly brubs are, but you loved and protected them when it was anything against them, except you. Hehe. You loved to harass them. You loved to parent them. You loved to dress them cool. You loved to tell them what to do. You loved them! You love them!! Kary, they miss you so much! They break down crying and are sad and confused! Tell Jesus to comfort them!

I think of a majority of the people that we have now in our life, most of them are because of you. I still have all my child-hood and high school friends that are incredible, but you brought me tons more! Your preschool brought me friends, awesome friends that got us through some rough times!! Your illness brought a tons of friends. You age leaving me with that gift of friends that will help me get through the days ahead. I have JJ because of you! I have tons of unbelievable friends because of you. Thank you buddy! You are so amazing!!! We are so blessed! I can’t imagine anyone being so loved! You didn’t bring me my incredible family, I already had that before you were here, but you brought us closer together and you helped us all figure out what life is really about!! Kary you brought Daddy’s family all closer! You brought me closer to Daddy’s family and now we are all one!! Kary because of you, we even found a new family we never knew we had! New grandma, grandpa, aunt and uncle and cousins!! You are amazing! God is amazing! He has shown Mom and Dad so much grace! He has blessed us with you, brothers, family, friends, etc!! Kary, you turn everything to gold that you touch. My mom and dad who were already awesome, are new creatures because of you!!!! Well, God of course, but God used you to do his work! I think of all our old friends and new friends and I thank God and you. I think of all my family and I thank God and you! Thinking of friends, I think of the best friends that you have had! Three little girls- Bridget, Charlee and Alli. They were your buddies!! You love pretty girls, too! You loved your babysitters- Julie L, Parris and Jennifer. They love you too!! I think of your role-model. You think Mr. Horjus is it! You wanted your hair like his, you wanted to dress like him. He was there baby, just a couple hours after you were in heaven! Kary, tons were there! All loving you and loving us!! Thank you!! I think of all your little friends that love you so much and pray for you all day, every day!!! God is so good! He gave you so much love through friends and family! He gave us all you!!! Even if we feel like it wasn’t long enough!!! You love your aunt Tammie!! Your special aunt Tammie!! You love your cousins Mollie and Tyler. When I think of you with them, I think of laughter!!!! You love your Paw!! You love all your grandpas!! You love your “Specialist” – “G-Linda”!!! Your bond with her is so amazing, words cannot describe it! You love your Grandma Lou so much! I think of smile and spoiling when you are with her!!! Grandma Carol, that love toward her is amazing! I think of you doing fun silly stuff with her!! Grandma Nancy, your new grandma, you love. I think of art projects! Jack and Karen, I think of how special your relationship is with them. You love them so much and baby they love you!!

There have been so many times that it was just you and me. We were in Chicago a million times together. We were in Mexico for so long alone. We were in Texas alone. What a team we are! I loved all the times we shared. I love all special things we have experienced together. But truly my best times were just laying together, you playing with my hair, and we’d talk and laugh. You are so adult-like. We are best friends. But so child-like, we could laugh are socks off! Baby, your big blue eyes are shining in my thoughts right now. Your dimples. Oh your dimples!! You are so awesome little boy of mine. You are a trooper, a fighter, a lover, a friend, a son, a little boy, an adult, a “conniver”, a diplomat, a peacemaker, and challenger. I could go on forever! You had the extremes of every personality trait! That is what makes you whole and perfect!! You can bring out the best in people because of that! You knew what and when to say or do things to make people be better people!! You certainly did that for Mommy and Daddy!! You did it every single day of your life. You are even doing it in your death. You are amazing little son of mine!!! I love your jokes. Especially the ones you make up!! You bring light and laughter even in the worst of times!! Your smile and laugh is forever part of who I am now. Its part of who Daddy and Kal and Kade is now!! Kary we will carry on, but it will not be without you, it will be with you. Everything we do, we will include you. I know you are now perfection. (what you always were striving for- perfection) So when I cry it is just because I miss you so. You are in my heart and soul and you will be every second. But, the tickling, hair playing, game playing, talking, etc, I will miss!!!!!!! Sweetie, I can’t wait to be with you again!!! I know it will seems so quick to you when we see each other again. But, it will be long and hard for me! But, you helped me know Jesus and because of that I can keep going. Thank you honey for everything! You and brothers are my everything!!! I will miss your smile, I will miss your hugs, I will miss your voice, I will miss your laughter! But, you will be in my heart forever!! Your friends and family got to know Jesus from a 6 year old little boy! Strangers got to know of your faith and are changed. We are all changed because of you and your faith!! We are praising God for your life! We are praising God for you. We are praising God for the hope and joy to “Kary” on…..

I Love You Kary Mitchell Young!!!!

Your Mommy